SkyShowtime has announced the cast and trailer for Codename: Annika. The series follows Finnish detective Emma Haka, played by Sannah Nedergård, as she goes undercover in Stockholm’s corrupt art world. The show stars Ardalan Esmaili, Eva Melander, Helena Bergström, Pekka Strang, Clarisse Lhoni-Botte, and Charles Martins. It will premiere next month on the streaming service. SkyShowtime CEO Monty Sarhan described it as a twist on the Nordic Noir genre. The platform has also announced other original series, including Las Invisibles and Warszawianka. Sarhan emphasized that their content is affordable.
ITV Studios has hired their first Access Coordinator.
ITV Studios has hired its first in-house Access Coordinator, Bethany Matthews. Matthews will work with production teams across seven drama labels to ensure accessibility training for all crew and cast members. She will also review the accessibility of production sites and work with post-production to ensure accessible editing facilities. Matthews is one of the 12 Access Coordinators trained by ScreenSkills and Bridge06. ITV Studios has joined the UK’s TV Access Project (Tap) as an associate member. Tap aims to improve accessibility in the TV industry and is supported by Help scribe Jack Thorne. Matthews reports to Julie Clark, Director of Production, Drama.